November 8, 2011

Savvy Saving Couple review

Savvy Saving Couple
November 8, 2011

My Review of Slippery Willie's Stupid, Ugly Shoes by Larry Peterson
by Amy Desrosiers

I have had the pleasure of reading, and reviewing Slippery Willie’s Stupid, Ugly Shoes by Larry Peterson. While I did enjoy the concept of the book I do not think I would read it to my child because I am not a fan of the language. In our household we do not promote the words Stupid, Ugly, or Hate. I was very saddened that the author chose these words to describe Willie’s shoes. I think a better choice would have been to use the words silly, and dislike.

Although I was not a fan of the language I did like the underlying theme that we are all different, and should accept each other’s differences. Sometimes we are so self-conscious about our own personal appearance that we let it fool us into thinking we are strange, or will be made fun of. I was relieved that Willie had been dreaming about his new shoes experience, because as a former teacher I could not have ever imagined a child being ridiculed by a teacher, or principal.

I really loved the ending of the story when Willie was reassured by his mother that his shoes were not “stupid, or ugly”. I think the children at school reacted with great innocence. They too wanted a pair of his neat slip proof shoes. I have observed many self-conscious kids in my time teaching, and I think that a lot of children are so innocent that they do not always realize another child’s handicapped device. With the exception of a few choice words I really enjoyed this story, and believe it conveys a great message to all who read it.

If you would like to learn more about the book “Slippery Willie’s , Stupid, Ugly Shoes” by Larry Peterson, you can read an excerpt of the book HERE.

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