March 17, 2011

Minding Spot review

Minding Spot
March 17, 2011

Tribute Books Tour: Slippery Willie by Larry Peterson
by Wendy Hines

Willie has slippery feet! He can't ride his bike or climb a tree. Even when he is just sitting at his desk, his socks and shoes slide off. He has really slippery feet! The doctors can't explain it either.

Then his mom buys Willie some new shoes - shoes that he won't slip out of. Now he'll be able to ride his bike and climb a tree without slipping off. But when Willie goes to sleep the night before school, he has a terrible dream. He dreams that everyone laughs at his stupid ugly new shoes. His classmates laugh, his teachers laugh, the building laughs and his mom laughs. Willie is scared to wear those shoes because he will be made fun of.

But when he wakes up and puts on his new shoes, he is pleasantly surprised. He doesn't slip, the shoes stay on, and everyone at school all want a pair of his cool new shoes!

A great message in this little book about being yourself, no matter what and sometimes we worry about things that really aren't necessary. The illustrations are very colorful and eyecatching. A great story to read to your little ones with a good lesson.

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