It Makes Sense To Me
By Larry Peterson
How did this principle of ethics and morality based on the Ten Commandments and Natural Law somehow become a pariah to so
many? Why would anyone want to remove the words, "under God", from
the Pledge of Allegiance or the name of God from our coins or government
buildings? What has happened in America? How did these principles ever become
inverted? God is GOOD, right? God is
LOVE, isn’t HE?
There are many of the self-absorbed who do not agree. They hate God because God has RULES. The primary one is called The Golden Rule.
In today's self-indulged secular world anyone who might suggest
that a particular behavior is "immoral" or "sinful" is
branded and vilified as intolerant and uncaring. This progressive slander has climbed
the “selfish” ladder reaching as far up as to the Pope, the
Vicar of Christ on Earth. How pompous and pride-filled this is.
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Fall of the Roman Empire |
If any of you remember the comic book version of Superman, on
occasion, the “Man of Steel” used to
get stuck in Bizarro World, a place where everything was backwards.
Up was down and hello meant good-bye. Even the planet, Htrae, (Earth
backwards), was shaped like a cube. The world was inverted. It is the same with
the insanity of inverted secular virtue. I call this new, hedonistic world where
self-gratification and self-indulgence are the rule, "Secularo". The favored rule on Secularo is the "Anchor Rule". It just drags you down and down.
On Secularo killing is "Good" and if you stand against
it you are bad. For instance, take abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and
partial-birth abortion. The church says NO! On Secularo the Church is now bad. Fornication
and people "hooking up" for one-night stands is heralded as
"Good". The church says NO and is declared intolerant. Same-sex
marriage is honored as a sacred right. On Secularo, if people disagree, they
are declared homophobes. Many are convicted of “hate” crimes and incarcerated
Eventually, most of these “problems” cease to exist on Secularo. For example, there is no longer an issue
concerning divorced and remarried
Catholics who want to receive the Holy Eucharist.Why? Because there is no
church. It has been outlawed as un-Secularistic. It has gone underground and
attending Mass can result in imprisonment or even execution (see China). Finally, the existence
of these things is removed from all Secularo historical
references. The following generation has no clue as to their past.
The pre-cursor to Secularo is our very own Earth. Many today consider
the church as intolerant and insensitive and out of touch with the modern world,
needing to become part of the 21st century. Homosexuals demand to be
married in the Church. The Church says NO! That marriage is between a man and
a woman ONLY. Satan screams from his evil world to his followers,'Say YES! YES!
YES!" And there are even some clergy within the church who parrot the “YES! YES!
YES!” Bottom line, Secularo World is ruled by hate. Satan is Hate
There are other Christian denominations that have succumbed to
outside pressures and reworked their "teachings" to accommodate the
demands from future Secularo. They have been praised as "progressive"
and "in touch" with the needs of the progressive citizens of their
time. Their mission was to save souls for Christ and guide these souls to
their Eternal Reward in heaven. They have failed in this mission joining the ranks of those marching down the path to perdition.
But the Catholic Church has
not caved into the demands and pressures of pre-Secularo World. Satan HATES this
more than any of us can imagine. That is why the Catholic Church is Satan's immortal
The Catholic Church still teaches that there are Seven
Deadly Sins. They are pride, greed, lust, anger,
gluttony, envy and sloth aka laziness. Note
the key word in describing these sins is the word "deadly". The Church
teaches that these sins can destroy the soul of anyone who might indulge these
human appetites. On Secularo, these seven deadly sins are honored and rewarded. Therefore the Church is the enemy of the state.
On Secularo the church will be mocked and laughed at for suggesting these
actions offend God. The rationale is simple; the act(s) are acceptable because the individual
committing one of these sins is just being human and God made us that way
and wants us to be "happy". It follows that the acts are NOT sinful. See how inverted one can get.
If you subscribe to that concept SATAN wins. But never forget that the church also offers forgiveness for falling prey to these sins and redemption is always a contrite, heartbeat away. Satan hates this more than anything.
It is time to start looking hard at the Bible. And we might start
by going to St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. Chapter 6: 16-17.
In all circumstances, hold faith as a
To quench all the flaming arrows of the
evil one.
And take the helmet of salvation and the
sword of the spirit,
which is the word of God.
©Larry Peterson 2016 All Rights Reserved
I would like to add something else to this hatred. It is the fear that God is real -- otherwise one could simply joyfully laugh him off or shake one's head in pity at the "poor fools" who believe in him without giving it all a second thought as with followers of some ridiculous fad. Instead there is hate because they fear and suspect that in fact God is real. This thought they find dreadful. Instead, he should be seen for what he is and welcomed as a loving Father and the answer to our deepest yearnings.