June 20, 2014

The Holy Trinity Mirrors Traditional Marriage

by Larry Peterson

This past Sunday the Catholic Church celebrated Trinity Sunday.  The deepest and most profound mystery of our faith is the Blessed Trinity which says there is only ONE God consisting of three separate persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Simply put, there are Three individual Persons in  ONE God.  This is a mystery that cannot be understood.  We believe it because of a gift instilled in us at Baptism. This gift is called faith.

On Thursday, June 19, the second annual March for Marriage took place in Washington D.C.   Times have changed, they surely have.  Why is it necessary to have such a march in the first place?  It is necessary because traditional marriage, marriage between a man and a woman, has been hijacked.  It has been hijacked by those who insist that marriage between same sex couples is no different than marriage between a man and a woman.   Please understand, the Catholic Church does NOT condemn anyone who is a homosexual.  Those persons can live in full communion with the church.  However, the Church has always taught that sexual acts outside of marriage, whether living together or not, are sinful.  This applies to a man and a woman as well as same sex couples.

We live in the Age of Relativism or, as I like to call it, the Meistic Age or the Age of Me.  This Meistic Age has spawned many who now are afflicted with a self-centered mutated sense of Natural Law. This mutation   causes the disease of Meism.  Meism goes something like this: if a person likes something or wants to do something, no matter what that might be, and if it makes him or her feel good and has nothing to do with you personally, there is nothing wrong with it.  This includes marriage.  If a man wants to marry another man, that should be fine.  If a woman wants to marry another woman, that should be fine also.  Who should dare have the right or the audacity to deny those folks their happiness?  Meism does not allow discussion, debate, opinion or any other kind of anti-meistic thoughts into the equation.  It is like the old cliche, "My Way or the Highway".

According to the LGBTQ and many of their supporters, anyone who opposes this type of "marriage" is guilty of homophobia and hate crimes and needs retraining to continue living in our sophisticated, Meistic society.  Simply disagreeing with the concept of gender neutral marriage or same sex marriage can get a person into a heap of trouble. Take Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco.  Appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in July of 2012 to head up the San Francisco Diocese, the traditionally minded priest is also one of the prime supporters of the March for Marriage.  As such he had incurred the wrath of that renowned  "theologian" and politician, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

The former House Speaker, apparently a wannabe Catholic theologian, is truly one of the most prominent  Meistics of our time. She  has demanded that Archbishop Cordileone NOT  participate in this March because, as she sees it,  the March for Marriage is all about "hate".  She told the Archbishop that the March is "venom masquerading as virtue" and "it shows disdain and hate toward LGBT persons".   Then she quoted (out of context) the words of Pope Francis who had said, "If someone is gay and is searching for the Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge him."

She missed the point.  The Pope does not know what is in their hearts. They could be quite willing to lead a celibate life as does a priest.  You can live with another person and NOT have sex with them.  Same sex marriage wants a sexual lifestyle included in the union. The Catholic Church has NEVER approved of this kind of behavior, even among heterosexual couples who are not married.  (By the way, Archbishop Cordileone  rejected her demand and was in the forefront of the parade. His name links to his speech)

As mentioned in the first paragraph, the Holy Trinity is the mystery that there are Three Persons in one God. The Father is all knowing and this total knowledge of all that is, begets the Son, sometimes called the Word. The bond between the two is so profound that it is the ultimate expression of Love. This bond of pure LOVE is known as the Holy Spirit. We cannot understand this but our faith  leads us to believe it. It follows that the Trinity is reflected ( as I see it)  in the union between  a man and woman in the following manner:
      The Love of God the Father and God the Son culminates in the perfect Love called the Holy Spirit.  A man and a woman, in love and united in the Sacrament of Matrimony, share their love for each other in such a way as to bring forth a third person, a child.  That child  now completes an earthly trinity which is the result of God's creations uniting under the Natural Law and being sealed with the Sacrament of Matrimony. It is truly a beautiful thing when the newly married couple embraces the sacrament and uses it throughout their lives.

Matrimony (Marriage) in the Catholic Church is one of the seven sacraments. It is spiritual and NOT secular.   A sacrament can never be compromised.  If you are having difficulty with this issue talk to a priest and seek the compassion and understanding that the church can offer. We must breathe and eat and sleep and relieve ourselves and swallow etc. to live.  We do not have to have sex to live.  Many people have chosen to live celibate lives. Marriage will always be the union between a man and a woman no matter what anyone says.  I, personally, am in favor of legal civil-unions if necessary. But the beacon that is the Catholic Church and which guides us toward our eternal reward cannot detour for  those that want it strictly their way.

P.S. I am not a priest or a theologian. I am just a Catholic man trying to defend my faith and Church against so many unwarranted, uninformed and vitriolic attacks against it. This is the Church that was founded by Christ Himself  more than 2000 years ago. It is ready and willing to give all people a sanctuary and safe place that they can call home.  But, like it or not, as in any home there are rules that must be followed.                                                                                                    


  1. Great article. It's amazing how this small percentage of extreme liberals can demand so much. An example of there madness is, there is huge piece of property available and christian's want to place a cross on it and non christian's want to build a parking lot, the land is vacant and both side's would like to have it. Christianity has been in place since our founding father's. God in our country, in our schools in our constitution. These people come and demand " Take that Christmas tree down, it offends me" or " Take 10 commandments out of court house, it offends me." " Stop praying at school it offends me" To Bad you liberal left maniac's. And the most crazy part is every poll out there will tell you MOST people want prayer and God in our schools, country and courts. The media is driving this demonic machine and we must fight back.

    1. I agree. The MSM is driving this narrative and they are doing it by omission. They pick and choose what they want the public to hear thereby abdicating their responsibility as true journalists.

  2. Larry,
    Great article and insight. Thank you for defending your Catholic faith. Many more must speak up and speak out about marriage and the Sacrament of Matrimony. Insightful way to put its all about me--"meism."

  3. Larry, you seem to be making generalizations inyour article. Not every LGBT person believes that those who oppose same-sex marriage are homophobic. I certainly do not in the context of religious beliefs. In the context of civil society, i do believe homophobic sentiments are partly to blame. I appreciate your support for civil unions (although im am not sure if you mean having the same legal rights as marriage or less). The Church is not being forced to recognize same-sex marriages as valid. Therefore, the Churchs notion of marriage remains unchanged. Societally the notion is changing. The Church is not a governing body within the United States.

    On a different note, relativism may seem like selfishness to you, and to some it it. But for some it is not. Gay people marrying is not a selfish situation. obviously forcing the church to accept and marry lgbt people is selfish. however, lgbt people want to live there lives. Non-catholics not following the church's teachings seems to be the root of the problem the church and many others have with same-sex relationships..

  4. Hey dogen222---I think you may have missed my point. Matrimony (Marriage) is one of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. It cannot be compromised. That is why I suggest a person talk to a priest about this subject. This is a spiritual matter, not secular. Thank you for your comments.
