February 19, 2014

The Perversion of "Love & Kindness"; Belgium OKs Euthanasia for Children;

by Larry Peterson

Three months ago  the civilized, highly sophisticated nation of Belgium looked on as  the collective wisdom of the upscale Belgium Social Justice Committee coagulated into making a recommendation to Parliament that they should approve a bill which would legalize euthanasia for children.  Well now, what do you know?   Belgium's lawmakers heeded the advice and OVERWHELMINGLY voted to extend the country's euthanasia law to children under 18 (they have had the law in place for adults since 2002) .  They passed this bill on February 13th. The nation awoke on the morning of Valentine's Day ready and willing to enjoy the holiday sharing love with each other. But this Valentine's Day came with a new twist.  They found out that once King Phillippe signed the bill just passed kids can willingly, surrounded by a LOVING support group which will include parents, doctor and shrink, "happily and mercifully" kill themselves.

How loving, how compassionate, how civilized so many people have become.  There is wide public support from the Belgian people (unbelievably predominantly catholic) for this bill  which passed  by a 2 to 1 majority. Socialist, Hans Bonte, said, "all Belgians, including MINORS, deserved the right to bid farewell to life in humane circumstances without  having to fear they were breaking the law".  Heaven forbid, can you imagine a seriously ill child dealing with the added burden of fearing they might also break a  law?  Are you kidding me?  One independent House member, Laurent Louis, stood up and said that the majority of his colleagues were violating the natural order.  "A child is to be nurtured and protected, all the way to the end, whatever happens. You do not kill it."  He was mocked.

The Catholic Church and the Belgian clergy are vehemently opposed and have been right along. But they  are  those "old, out of touch, church leaders telling people what they should and should not do.  Well , God bless them.  Those "old fools" are standing tall in the face of an evil that has embraced a once beautiful country which has now turned ugly wrapped in a shroud of secularism.   Belgian law now allows for the killing of sick children .  How have so many  been able to advance into the meistic, secular world of the 21st century where deciding who should live and die  is the preferred  virtue of goodness. When did the folks who are "stuck"  in the conscience driven world  of God first, followed by family and country and who defend ALL life, get relegated to the ranks of the "ungood"?

The Catholic Church is not in a popularity contest with the secular world.  It is also not in a popularity contest with those who proclaim to be Catholic yet defy the church's teachings.  The Church is the way to the Truth and it is defending and protecting the faith it was created to defend.  It defends the right to life of all,  from the unborn to the sick, disabled, deformed, mentally challenged, elderly and those simply unwanted. It is standing tall in Belgium and saying, "NO!" to this abomination.  At what point in time did secular mankind decide that it could "kill" as an act of love?  Is it because "love" is all about kindness and virtue and they were the ones who embraced it? How sanitized yet preposterous is that? No, the "love" of the secular world is about self-love before all else. People know best and those in power are omniscient.

How sad this all is that  folks who respect the very dignity,  beauty and miraculous creation of each life have suddenly been "flipped" into the category of "heartless and cruel" by a secular world that defiles all those who might dare disagree with it?  Tear down the crosses, ban the name of God, ridicule the churches and their priests and nuns. This hypocrisy is not "love" but rather, "anti-love".  Don't these people understand the dark underbelly of this entire concept?  Apparently, they do not.  But they have chosen to take the road of personal gratification deifying their own selves. And that is what happens when God is removed from the equation of life...you come to believe you have the right to kill children. How did we ever become so civilized?

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