July 4, 2011

KidSmart Books review

KidSmart Books
July 2, 2011

Book Reviewer Ella Johnson's Book of the Month:
Slippery Willie's Stupid, Ugly Shoes by Larry Peterson

by Max Nightjar

Book Of The Month
July 2011

The first thing to hook me was the title, SLIPPERY WILLIES STUPID, UGLY SHOES, It was a shoe in for me. A title you could not pass up. I blogged about the importance of a catchy title on an essay blog at writestuff-writenow, (MAY). This is what I'm talking about.

The second thing that reeled me in was the subject matter ( children with special needs) these shoes are special orthopedic shoes to help poor Willie stand up straight and stop slipping around..

My dad bought me an ugly pair of shoes once, when I was eight or ten. They were an awful looking blue color "clodhoppers" with a strap across the instep and a dumb blue bow. I hated those shoes. I wanted a pair of Hush Puppies. You think it was because he said "they were good for my feet"? I actually tried to kill those shoes by beating them to death on the sidewalk. They really were good, tough shoes though....lasted a good two years. I actually had to grow out of them - G-r-r..

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